John Schroeder

{Area Name}'s Bio
John Schroeder is the CEO of Venture Medical LLC, a leading company in medical products and software commercialization based in Missoula, Montana, dedicated to advancing healing solutions.
A serial entrepreneur, John has also co-founded and led a law enforcement and legal SaaS company as well as a research biologics firm.
His career is marked by a commitment to transformative change, driven by a passion for challenging existing standards and inefficiencies. John is dedicated to innovating and disrupting industry norms to deliver impactful products and services tailored to user needs.
Originally from Scottsdale, Arizona, John began his career in sales and sales management with top pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device firms. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with family and engaging in mountain sports, watersports, fishing, and biking
Articles by {Area Name}

On Monday during his first day in office, President Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) freezing the pending LCD policy that would limit access to skin substitutes for chronic wound care. To be clear - this is a policy freeze pending further action.

While the top six major insurance companies have reported soaring profits—some rising by thousands of percentage points since the Medicare Advantage program was enacted, many patients enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans claim they didn’t even realize they were leaving traditional Medicare. This lack of transparency raises important questions about how these plans are marketed and the tactics used to encourage patients to switch.

Under a system previously reliant solely on hospital outpatient departments, many patients—especially the elderly in care facilities, the poor, the homebound, the rural, and the otherwise disenfranchised—never enjoyed equitable access. Today, however, more patients than ever are receiving wound care as providers are motivated to bring advanced modalities directly to them.
The national ASP publication of AmnioWrap2™ knocks down barriers that will provide healthcare professionals and their patients with the opportunity to use AmnioWrap2™, a superior wound care product for certain applications.

Caroline Fife, M.D. highlights a concerning discrepancy between the characteristics of patients with chronic wounds in real-world settings and those selected for clinical trials.